The far-field R88 delivers a balanced treble/bass ratio from as far as 20 feet away, Often times, it is best used while supplementing a close mic’s direct sound of an instrument with expansive, dimensional room sound.
In the following video, the R88 adds depth and capture the natural sound of the Bridge Recording Studio, while its sister mic, the N8, is positioned up close and acts as a focus mic adding clarity.
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Distant Miking String Quartets, Sections, and Orchestras
String Quartets
The versatile R88 excels at recording string sections, quartets, orchestras, and other ensembles from a distance. From as far as 20 feet away, the R88 captures detailed, balanced sound of an instrument section and supplements it with massive room tone. When arranged 6 to 10 feet from the source, the R88 creates a massive, detailed room image without the need for any support microphones.
When groups or ensembles, start by positioning the R88 from at least 5 feet away from the musicians with the white line aimed directly at the center of the ensemble. This will give you a balanced stereo spread in the two channels of the microphone. Because the two ribbon elements are perfectly in phase with one another you can pan the two channels however you wish. Most engineers start with channel 1 panned hard to the left and channel 2 panned hard to the right. This creates the largest and most realistic stereo width.
The image below shows where both elements of the R88 capture sound. The green area is the location that sound is captured in. When recording ensembles, make sure that the musicians are located within this green area. When both channels are hard-panned left and right, any source that is within this green area will sound like it is coming from that specific area.