Ali Shaheed Muhammad / A Tribe Called Quest

“After spending considerable time and nickels searching for vintage ribbon microphones on eBay I realized that I wanted something more modern in build but with the classic sound of a vintage ribbon mic. I didn’t think it was possible to truly capture that vintage sound in a modern microphone until I heard AEA KU4.

In a world where a plug-in can be an instant fix to certain recordings, I changed out my RCA d77 to the KU4 and like an instant plug-in fix my drums were snapping like an old recording but also with a different character. A very likable character. It is as if I took an air blower to blow off 60 years of dust. Don’t get me wrong, dust and grit on drums can be a great thing but clarity is important too.

AEA has definitely captured the right amount of clarity and vintage character with the KU4. This will be a permanent part of my drum rig, so much that I’m considering buying a second KU4 to move around the studio for other applications.”

“I was blown away by the KU5A on the drums alone. This mic is breakbeat ready, out of the box! It’s very versatile. I’m in love with it.”

-Ali Shaheed Muhammad

Ali Shaheed Muhammad is a rapper and producer best known for his work with, and as a member of, A Tribe Called Quest. Muhammad released a solo album ’Shaheedullah and Stereotypes’ in 2004. He has also worked on music in film and television and was a co-composer for Netflix’s ‘Luke Cage’. Muhammad is currently the host of the show ‘Microphone Check’ on NPR.
How To Record Percussion With the KU4
How To Record Acoustic Guitar With the KU4
How To Record Vocals With the KU4